Fundamentals BJJ
Butterfly Guard
break grips on pants (low grip near ankle- kick out, higher grip inside- slide hand up, higher grip outside-slide hand down)
collar sleeve grips to set up elevator sweeps by breaking their base when on their knees, if leg posted when opponent starts to pass break base and sweep. (Same in Nogi, use head and arm control / grip on opponent’s tricep to control arm)
double under hooks to set up elevator sweeps and break base for elevator sweep
Ankle pick from butterfly when opponent posts 1. grab their arm on same side as posted leg 2. Place other hand on side of their head for leverage 3. Release grip on hand and pick ankle while pushing on their neck. Come up for knee cut.
Pistol grip re-direction as you pull opponent’s wrist across body and move your weight backwards to yank opponent forwards, starts with 2 on 1. Pistol grip pulls arm across, other hand holds tricep, go to their back while re-directing them with pistol grip. If back is not available because they block, cross-arm grip can be used for sweeps and to enter X-guard
2 on 1 cross-arm control, use pistol grip and tricep grip then pass arm across body and grab belt with other hand, use this positon to set-up over/under elevator sweep by keeping arm trapped.
If opponent posts leg to prevent back take then full cross-arm control using pistol grip and over hook their leg on the same side they post. Push off same side leg underneath them to force them to roll over their trapped shoulder and hit the roll back sweep.
Cross-arm control off pistol grip half butterfly sweep, use butterfly hook on same side as trapped belt and straighten other leg for leverage, trap their arm inside across at their far hip.
Cross-arm control half butterfly sweep when base is too strong for previous same side hook sweep, scoop your arm under their far leg and sweep them where they have no arm, similar to a pendulum sweep.
If opponent sprawls out of previous two sweeps then answer the phone and take him the opposite way where they have no arm, or if their arm is lower then trap it to their body down by their hip and sweep in direction where they have no arm.
Advanced BJJ
Standing entries:
Entry off of single leg: lower level and place inside knee on ground, use top of foot to elevate their leg to get underneath and that will be the first x-guard hook. Control both knees! Control far knee until second hook is in!
Entry off guard pull using cross-arm pistol grip as in butterfly, keep foot on hip (same set-up as tripod sweep)
Single leg entry from butterfly when opponent has one knee up, grab posted leg with both hands, that’s the leg controlled leg, insert X-guard hooks on far leg.
Butterfly entries:
Collar sleeve entry from butterfly to X-guard when opponent has one leg posted, use collar sleeve to move opponent overhead and place both hooks under elevated leg to bring that leg to your hand for the leg controlled leg in X-guard. Same entry as head and arm control for Nogi.
Cross-am pistol grip to X-guard when opponent has one leg posted, since they are off balance due to cross-arm pistol grip get underneath their leg with one of your legs, then both of your arms control their leg controlled leg.